
Qigong is an ancient practice from China that is believed to be around 5-8,000 years old and is said to “develop human potential”. It can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, physical shape, or even injury as it can be done standing, sitting, or laying down…

Qi – “Life force”
Gong – “Practice” or “Cultivation”

Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one’s mental and physical health

In the 5 elements of Qigong there is a movement for each element which also corresponds to the 5 major organs of the body. In each organ it is also believed that certain emotions are stored. In the class we will focus our intention on transmuting stuck or toxic emotions into their highest potential.

  • Wood- Liver, Anger -Kindness
  • Fire- Heart, Hatred -Love
  • Earth- Stomach, Nervousness -Stability
  • Metal- Lungs, Shame or Sadness -Confidence
  • Water- Kidneys, Fear -Trust
Will Qigong

We look forward to sharing this with you all. Please RSVP in advance to Will on +34627342232

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